July 2020 Summer

Here we go

My kid was super excited to kick off the board on July 1st and he selected Kitchen Science as the first square.

Ready for Day 1

I didn’t have as much vegetable oil as we would have needed to do the side by side lava comparison of salt and baking soda, so we just tried the baking soda option. It bubbled a bit and I view this more as practice run. We’ll plan for the lava showdown another time. We still were able to talk about about the different weights of the liquids (oil is lighter than water/vinegar) and also introduced some solids (rocks sink and corks float). The colored water and oil was so pretty, we repurposed the materials into a very simple “ocean in a bottle”.

Ocean in a Bottle

While we were at it, we also tried the Magic Milk experiment on the Curious and Geek blog, which was super easy and fun. We’ll do that one again too. (note… we used whole mile and it worked really well, a friend of ours tried it with non-fat and got mixed results). All the Kitchen Science activities combined, took about 40 minutes.

On day 2, we explored Origami. Of course my child selected a complicated option first, and Dad “helped” him with the Panda after they taped white and black construction paper together. Probably not the most ideal starting point in terms of difficulty level or materials. We moved one to some more simple choices. Easiest of all, which my kid did on his own, was the dog. This crane was also pretty straight forward for us to complete as a team. In addition, it taught us a cool highlighter trick that makes folding and manipulating the paper easier.

Origami Creations + self-designed “Pokéball”